With regular season games officially underway, I'm starting to get a lot of "performance anxiety" questions during lessons. Generally speaking, the term refers to an issue that's very common among young players where they play well during practice but then struggle during games. I've outlined three of the most common performance anxiety issues I …
With most local leagues holding 2018 tryouts tomorrow, I wanted to share a few quick pieces of advice that I think will help your ballplayer get the most out of his evaluation. 1) It's not really a tryout! Nobody gets cut based on their performance tomorrow so I think "Evaluation" is a much more apt …
One night after baseball camp last week, and after both our kids went to sleep, I found myself in my usual 8:30pm spot: plopped on the couch next to my wife, completely exhausted, and staring blankly at whatever game MLB Network had on. A few minutes into my nightly end-of-the-day-coma, the broadcast switched over to …
Padres SS Erik Aybar pitched the 9th inning last week as his team was losing 11-1 and Manager Andy Green didn't want to use his bullpen anymore. Throwing an awkward semi-submarine sort-of-sidearm knuckleball pitch, Aybar got Diamondbacks Catcher Chris Hermann to weakly ground out on a ball thrown...wait for it...59 MPH. 59!!!! Chuckles …
I've written about what "being competitive" means to me (you can read a past blog about it by clicking here), and if you watched Sergio Garcia and Justin Rose battle on the back 9 at The Masters over the weekend, then you saw exactly what I'm talking about. Throughout the back and forth of the …
I think it's likely that by now you've seen this video, but if not, it's worth 2 minutes of your day): A few things popped into my mind after I watched it. First, I realized how lucky I am personally to coach players at the Little League level where selfish, me-first attitudes are much less …
I've written quite a bit about the mental side of hitting in youth baseball (please feel free to browse through old blogs), but today I want to talk about important things parents and coaches can do to make sure ballplayers have an attitude at the plate that gives them the best chance of success. First, …
I ran the “on the field” portion of tryouts on Saturday at RHLL which means that over the course of roughly 6 hours, I threw close to 1000 batting practice pitches to players age 7-12. There were giant 12 year olds preparing for their final season of Little League, 7 year olds who were participating …
With school starting today, I thought I would spend a few minutes talking about academics. There's most likely nothing I can say about the importance of getting after it in the classroom that your son hasn't heard already from you, but I did come across this interesting statistic last week: As the chart above shows, …